I know it’s a hellscape out there in bar land 🧯🔥 Everyone claims to be the best supplement for bar prep.
Exam questions get more complex the more you look at them. There are too many damn options for supplements. And this vicious cycle is like a whistling kettle getting louder.
No wonder I get questions like these:
“Hello, do you have any tips for passing the bar? Sent from iPhone”
Idk check the website and sign up for my emails. I’ve been writing about this for 7 years. But sometimes I’ll bite and answer this vague kind of question.
“Do you have tutor recommendations? Should I get a tutor?”
Sure, but just consider how far you’ve taken your self-study efforts on your own and your real reason for seeking outside help. I have nothing against investing in your success for the right purpose.
“What’s the best course/platform/material for bar prep?”
Like people, nothing is 100% at everything. I may have suggestions that fit your situation, but remember that the tool itself won’t help unless the wielder uses it properly.
OK, coming back down to the streets now…
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