A bar taker asked me to explain supplemental jurisdiction with an example. At 1:27 in the morning.
I was able to send her a response at 1:36 AM (9 minutes later)—without having a working knowledge of supplemental jurisdiction, and without flipping through outlines or Googling hypos.
How? I’ll show you below. (With examples using supplemental jurisdiction, Contracts remedies, the rule against perpetuities, hearsay, and more.)
The problem: When someone asks me about some law, I have to research it and explain it.
Or if you’re confused about how a rule works, you have to make sense of it theoretically and look at examples and hypos. How are you going to memorize (and use) the rule without understanding it?
This takes time and mental processing. And I don’t have the energy especially this late at night. Plus, I’m not a tutor, and people for some reason seem to think they can ask me random questions about supplemental jurisdiction instead of the tutor they pay thousands of dollars for (but I have a soft spot for people struggling with this death ritual).
Here’s an idea you can try for yourself if you’re stuck and not understanding a bar exam rule.
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