Taking Ownership of Your Bar Prep to Pass the Bar Exam

Jared passed the 2023 July California Bar Exam on his first try, despite being in a panic in the last month of bar prep, while juggling family duties and working full-time.

💬 “I was in a ‘I have to pass!!!’ panic the last six weeks prior to the exam. For context, I spent four years doing law school at night, I have a family, and I work full-time.

💬 “I had a mini-panic a month before the exam, because I just didn’t think the material or schedule was working for me.

I like this story because it once again emphasizes the lesson of pivoting from “trust the process” to “trust yourself.”

💬 “My strategy was idiosyncratic and focused on what I needed to do to pass.

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Dominating the Essays: Organize Issues and Prioritize Rules to Know on the Bar Exam

Ever wonder how you’re supposed to juggle everything in your head? How do you prioritize the rules to know for the bar exam?

How are you supposed to learn all this when time is tight? How do you tackle the massive body of rules to know?

How do you know you’ve completed the essay in full? Did you even talk about the correct issues? Are the graders going to give you the points? Are they even going to read your prose?!

You’d love to start practicing essays but feel like you just haven’t learned enough law yet. It’s overwhelming to even begin.

At least the answer is right there in MBE questions… If you’re a bar taker struggling with coming up with what to write, essays are the bane of your existence. Your rambling paragraphs start to blur.

Let’s breathe. We can simplify the essays and make them less scary…

Key takeaways:

  • Issues: Learn not just the rules but also how to present and organize the issues (with examples below)
  • Rules: Highest-priority issues and rules are those that have appeared in the past (there are two other priorities)
  • There are efficient and effective ways to hit both of the above at once
Continue reading “Dominating the Essays: Organize Issues and Prioritize Rules to Know on the Bar Exam”

Argentinian Attorney Passes CA Bar Exam from Scratch (10 Years Out of School)

Me + My MagicSheets (+ my Lenny Kravitz inspired oversized scarf) ready for a day of studying

Another foreign-trained lawyer, another success story.

Argentina doesn’t even have a bar exam, yet Juliana was able to pass the 2023 July California Bar Exam on her first try while working full-time as an attorney.

How did she learn to do that?

Continue reading “Argentinian Attorney Passes CA Bar Exam from Scratch (10 Years Out of School)”

How an Australian Lawyer Got Excited to Take the CA Bar Exam While Working Full Time (and Passed)

Laura, a foreign attorney who passed the California Bar Exam

Here’s another story about a foreign-trained lawyer who made it out.

Laura from Australia passed the 2023 July California Bar Exam on her first try—preparing while working full-time as a senior lawyer in a global firm. She got to a place where she was “very excited” by the end!

Here’s how she managed to get to that state of excitement during bar prep and coming out of the exam. See how you CAN do things, rather than what you CAN’T do.

Continue reading “How an Australian Lawyer Got Excited to Take the CA Bar Exam While Working Full Time (and Passed)”

Salma Passes the NY Bar Exam on First Try as a Foreign Attorney

Salma is a foreign-trained attorney who passed the 2023 July NY Bar Exam (UBE) on her first try!

Despite her nervousness and debilitating thoughts of failure, she found a way to prepare for (and pass) this exam while using her time efficiently.

She suggests how to study efficiently in LESS time.

Check it out.

Continue reading “Salma Passes the NY Bar Exam on First Try as a Foreign Attorney”