It’s time for “good cop, bad cop.”
I try to be a balanced and insightful voice in bar prep. I try to be understanding of what you’re going through… Here’s warm milk and cookies…
But some of us are still spacing out like the SLOW ASS drivers I screech past in LA Koreatown.
It’s clear that good cop isn’t getting the job done. I fear I’m turning too vanilla like every other bar blog (though vanilla is a goated flavor).
And so today, I’m the bad cop.
Worse, I’m your surrogate Asian dad who will draw out 125% of what you thought was your max power.
Yes, I already get saucy sometimes, but people are crying out to be told the truth. Sometimes you need a cold fucking shower to slap some sense into those neurons and remind them that they are alive.
The other day, I saw a question on the r/LawSchool forum by Reddit user “Outrageous_Text_3515”:
The original post was deleted from the thread after my response, so I pulled it up from my RSS feed. You are not safe from me, Outrageous_Text_3515.
If you’re going to post something, own up to it instead of dirty deleting. You are already (quasi-)anonymous on Reddit.
Do you see me hiding behind a mod account on the r/CABarExam forum? No, I make hard decisions and respond to whiners with my main account (shown below) because I can back up my words. There’s not much you can do against laser-precise words of a patent attorney who’s had to convince nerdy patent examiners for 10+ years.
Furthermore, Outrageous_Text_3515 asked for someone to “please give [them] advice,” so I did exactly that:
Was this too blunt? Or just what they needed to hopefully save their law school career?
But their pain is your gain. What can you derive from this?
- How to have a fighting chance at passing an exam in 24 hours
- Audit your study approach: How are you using your time? Is it similar to some of the Friday case studies of passers? Are you doing too many activities with diminishing returns?
- Learn by example
- It’s GOOD if you’re getting bent right now because it points to the holes you need to patch up in your parachute. Feeling stupid is part of the process
- The exam is PREDICTABLE. Mimic what they’re looking for. The answers are right there
(Speaking of predictable, see this post about predictions and ways to have control over your studies.)
Put another way, if you want DIFFERENT results, do things DIFFERENTLY. If you’re stuck, different is often better than more.
Just doing MORE HARD WORK isn’t enough (and could even be counterproductive). If it were enough, you would be passing already.
I don’t know if they deleted because they needed to sob in peace. Then again, they’re not alone. Somewhere, a bar taker is crying into their Magicsheets.
I don’t know if the sass came out because it was 3:30 in the morning. I’m not JOKING around when I say I sleep at ungodly hours sometimes (at least during bar seasons). Some lunatic was probably waking up to go to the gym.
I share this because I know it’s relevant to you as a bar prepper who has recently gained the “nEw YEaR, neW mE” effect and is open to a bit of hard motivation—the kind I usually don’t feel I have the right to throw at you from the sidelines.
But I try to be there with you in the trenches as much as I can. I have high standards for you. Unlike the other bar blogs.
PS: I successfully stole a Nespresso machine at the recent white elephant, so my sleep schedule might be in ruins PERMANENTLY 🫡
Real talk tho, stop dicking around.