Manfred’s Classic Approach to Bar Prep (and Moving Past Plateaus)

Manfred passed the 2024 July California Bar Exam on his first try.

💬 “I passed as a first-time taker thanks to you!

The story he sent in about his study process was a complete story arc, a great reminder of how to pair memorization and practice, and how to navigate the plateau that you’re sure to experience.

He started with a typical approach, starting right after graduation and using Barbri.

💬 “I am a K-JD who graduated from UCLA Law this past May. Due to my circumstances (like having plenty of time to study), I did fairly well in law school. I knew what the Bar would be like structurally due to prior exposure, and I knew that I would expect to be studying around 8 hours a day, every day, for at least two months. I started studying for the California Bar basically the week right after commencement.

Let’s see how he did it.

Continue reading “Manfred’s Classic Approach to Bar Prep (and Moving Past Plateaus)”

Third-time Passer Reveals How to MASTER the Law

Saurabh attempted the California Bar Exam three times since 2019. Then he passed the 2024 July exam.

💬 “This was my third attempt.

2019 was first. Which I had combined with another trip I had to take to US.

Then covid happened and there was a gap and I was not confident about exam prep.

Plus full time job. I gave again in July 2023, where I scored pretty close to passing.

How did he manage to pass this time?

There are clear themes that you’ll find useful whether you’re a first timer or especially if you’re a repeater.

Continue reading “Third-time Passer Reveals How to MASTER the Law”