Grandmother Passes the Uniform Bar Exam with a 270

A self-professed “Partner/Mom/Grandma/Kindergarten teacher” told me she passed the UBE.

No big deal. I asked Nocona how she DID IT so I could pass her lessons onto you mortals.

Among other things, she told me that she passed the Oklahoma Bar Exam (UBE) using a combination of substantive resources and a mindset that gave her better control over her processes.

You might read all these stories and think, I can do this too (true). 

Or you might wonder, why can’t it be me?

It CAN be you, homie. These were all people in the exact same position as you, just time shifted. Why torture yourself trying to reinvent the wheel?

Continue reading “Grandmother Passes the Uniform Bar Exam with a 270”

Salma Passes the NY Bar Exam on First Try as a Foreign Attorney

Salma is a foreign-trained attorney who passed the 2023 July NY Bar Exam (UBE) on her first try!

Despite her nervousness and debilitating thoughts of failure, she found a way to prepare for (and pass) this exam while using her time efficiently.

She suggests how to study efficiently in LESS time.

Check it out.

Continue reading “Salma Passes the NY Bar Exam on First Try as a Foreign Attorney”

How Mercedes Passed the Colorado Bar Exam (UBE) After Realizing a Simple Approach

Mercedes passed the 2023 July Colorado Bar Exam on her first attempt (as a busy mom with a 3-year-old).

She started using a major bar review course but sped through it in favor of a more effective approach to studying.

Here’s why Mercedes ditched her bar review course and how that led to her passing.

Continue reading “How Mercedes Passed the Colorado Bar Exam (UBE) After Realizing a Simple Approach”

How Navi Passed the New York Bar Exam with a Score of 295 on Her First Try

Here’s someone who dedicated herself to passing the New York Bar Exam on her first attempt. She was able to achieve—in her words—freedom.

"A true capture of how freedom looks post bar"
Her caption for the trip celebrating passing the bar: “A true capture of how freedom looks post bar”

One and done.

On top of that, she only completed 30% of Themis and got a score of 295, well above the cutoff to practice in any UBE jurisdiction.

You’ll notice that many of the lessons she shares here can be linked back to what I share with you in my coaching emails and other study materials.

Key lessons and her full story below.

Continue reading “How Navi Passed the New York Bar Exam with a Score of 295 on Her First Try”

Remote/Online Bar Exam Logistics and Strategies

You’re probably wondering how this whole remote bar exam thing is going to work.

  • Do I get scratch paper?
  • Can I use a desktop?
  • How many monitors can I use for ExamSoft/SofTest/Examplify (or whatever exam software)?
  • Do I need to be online?
  • Can I print?
  • Are they going to proctor me through a camera?
  • Can I take bathroom breaks?
  • What about cheating?
  • What about the MBE? How many questions? Is it all on a screen?
  • What if I’m handwriting?

Uh, yeah, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.

Right now, all the states are having a brawl and doing whatever they feel is necessary to conduct their bar exams.

Many states are shifting from in-person paper testing to an almost entirely digital exam, at least for the 2020 Fall bar exam. This is a significant change, and something worth discussing in terms of preparation and test-taking strategies.

This post will address two things:

  1. Testing mechanics for taking a remote bar exam. See below for information on all states, but the initial focus here is on California
  2. Strategies for preparing for and taking a test entirely on screen, assuming your state is administering the exam online and doesn’t allow paper for at least some portion

Btw I’m not going to call this an “online bar exam” because it’s done almost entirely OFFline. Only the check-ins sessions require an Internet connection.

Continue reading “Remote/Online Bar Exam Logistics and Strategies”