How an Australian Lawyer Got Excited to Take the CA Bar Exam While Working Full Time (and Passed)

Laura, a foreign attorney who passed the California Bar Exam

Here’s another story about a foreign-trained lawyer who made it out.

Laura from Australia passed the 2023 July California Bar Exam on her first try—preparing while working full-time as a senior lawyer in a global firm. She got to a place where she was “very excited” by the end!

Here’s how she managed to get to that state of excitement during bar prep and coming out of the exam. See how you CAN do things, rather than what you CAN’T do.

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Salma Passes the NY Bar Exam on First Try as a Foreign Attorney

Salma is a foreign-trained attorney who passed the 2023 July NY Bar Exam (UBE) on her first try!

Despite her nervousness and debilitating thoughts of failure, she found a way to prepare for (and pass) this exam while using her time efficiently.

She suggests how to study efficiently in LESS time.

Check it out.

Continue reading “Salma Passes the NY Bar Exam on First Try as a Foreign Attorney”

How Mercedes Passed the Colorado Bar Exam (UBE) After Realizing a Simple Approach

Mercedes passed the 2023 July Colorado Bar Exam on her first attempt (as a busy mom with a 3-year-old).

She started using a major bar review course but sped through it in favor of a more effective approach to studying.

Here’s why Mercedes ditched her bar review course and how that led to her passing.

Continue reading “How Mercedes Passed the Colorado Bar Exam (UBE) After Realizing a Simple Approach”

Richard’s Minimalist Bar Prep Without Overwhelm

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Like I keep saying, bar prep is personal.

Richard passed the 2023 February California Bar Exam on his first try. Anyone can learn from this case study since he also passed the UBE.

Corina’s story about passing the bar exam was about MAXIMIZING her coverage. I couldn’t even sleep trying to scrape all the meat off the bone of her story.

Today, I’ll show you a MINIMALIST approach to getting it done.

You’ll also get the benefit of hindsight from someone who used a traditional bar course for his first exam (UBE) and also on his second exam (CA) and passed both times.

How you use any resource for your benefit is key.

Continue reading “Richard’s Minimalist Bar Prep Without Overwhelm”

How Corina “Broke the Rules” to Pass the Bar Exam Her Second Time

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from all these bar taker success stories, it’s that there’s a wide spectrum of methods for passing the bar exam.

Your bar exam is yours!

Corina “broke the rules” and went ALL OUT on her second successful attempt at passing the bar. She was the embodiment of creating your own curriculum as the dean of her own studies

💬 “The first round of prep made me feel like I must be crazy because I wasn’t getting it. Even though breaking the rules and doing my own thing the second time was scary, I am glad I did.

In her full story linked below, she literally spares no details about how she did it.

First, here’s a summary of her heroine’s journey — from failing her first exam to her strategies for passing on her second attempt

Continue reading “How Corina “Broke the Rules” to Pass the Bar Exam Her Second Time”