As we reflect on Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Sexy Saturday (that’s today), some difficult questions in life:
- How do I get these damn wrinkles out of my dress shirts? (guy problems)
- Do #nomakeup selfies actually involve makeup? Women, please be honest and tell me the truth (guy problems)
- Effort doesn’t necessarily bring results. How do I achieve the desired results?
“Generally bad” things can sometimes be good. Normally you don’t want to be dry humped from behind while simultaneously and pumped in the solar plexus by a stranger unless you’re choking or at a middle-school dance (what’s wrong with today’s youth).
Likewise, “generally good” things can be bad for you. Water is like the holy grail of our solar system (have you seen the NASA budget?), but it will kill you if you dip your face in it for a couple minutes.
It’s not about moderation. I hate the phrase “everything in moderation, including moderation” because that basically gives me no guidance. Does it mean it’s OK to do whatever I feel like as long as I don’t do too much of it? Why do I need to moderate? How much is “just enough”? You can’t get any less specific than “moderation.”
Rather, desired results come from doing the right things at the right time. At that point, quantity or moderation matters much less than what, when and how you do something.