As the exam gets closer, just remember that you are capable of passing the bar.
You may pass this time, or you may not. Let’s trust our preparation, be arrogant, and do our best anyway. Our best now is enough even if our future best will be better.
But if you can graduate from law school, you do have it in you to make this your last time.
Even if you fail the bar, it’s not going anywhere. It’s going to stay in the same spot, while you keep getting closer and closer like a predator moving in on a prey. Therefore, passing is inevitable.
It doesn’t matter where you start. This is an acquirable skill. You can always get better. It’s always a work in progress.
You will get to a state of being where the exam is over (possibly for good).
On the upside, it won’t be as bad as the months of waiting in anxiety and ennui you’ll have to go through. But you can worry about that later.
I have a love-hate relationship with Civil Procedure. Maybe a like-dislike relationship since I did get a B+ in my 1L Civ Pro class (almost A-), and that ain’t half bad for Civ Pro.
It can actually be somewhat straightforward if you get to know it, but it’s a pretty technical subject. Not all of us is a gunner nerd who went on to clerk for some circuit judge.
Here’s the real problem: Civ Pro has been a wild card since it was introduced as a new subject in the MBE. It used to be pretty simple to find practice questions for the other subjects, but…
What are the best places to get Civ Pro MBE questions to practice with now?
Happy new year! It’s that time again when everyone suddenly forgets the correct year.
By the way, I don’t believe your “resolutions.” Look at your friends saying, “Hey, I’m SERIOUS about my New Year’s resolutions. THIS time it’s for real.”
Sure buddy. If they really wanted to do something, they would have started or done it already.
I won’t let you simply declare your resolve and call it a day. Anyone can have good intentions. Anyone can be interested. Prove that resolve by actually showing me results.
Let your results speak for themselves.
Before you start shouting at the wrong person (aka me), let me ask you this: How are those resolutions from 12 months ago going?
Thought so. Vague wishes are unsustainable for most people, myself included. Estimates put the “failure” rate of resolutions around 75-92%. But I don’t want you to be just another ordinary citizen.
Just smile and nod at people who want you to be mediocre
No, I want your next year to be AMAZING. I want you to get everything you want, whether it’s to…
Pass the bar and leave it behind you forever
Get your dream job, start that career, make everyone proud, and trick them into thinking that everything in your life falls into place effortlessly
Live a normal life like the rest of your friends
Let’s do it. How can we mark the new year (and every year after that) with extraordinary results? My two cents:
Man… I see this question more often than I want to. And if you look closely, it’s basically people just complaining that they don’t want to study.
How did they graduate law school? If finally becoming an attorney doesn’t entice them, I don’t know what to say. More like I hold back on giving a huge answer every time I see the question!
HOW do you get motivated? How DO you get motivated? How do you get MOTIVATED?
You don’t. Asking about it is just going to get you into a pity party with other people who also “don’t have motivation.” The blind leading the blind.
To be fair, it’s a gray area. Who wants to study for the bar exam?
You might as well moisturize your outlines with sandpaper because this exam is one of the driest, most boring things in existence. It’s natural to be uninterested if you’re looking at this huge, seemingly insurmountable goal—even if it is a high-stakes exam.
If you’re asking about motivation, though, don’t count on it to come to you first. “Motivation” and “inspiration” are fleeting. It comes and goes based on the situation, difficult to summon at will.
Keep reading to find out:
My answer to the titular question (or what doesn’t get you motivation)
3 approaches to getting my own work done (and how you can apply this to your bar prep)
5 productivity tactics (that don’t require you to give up on sleep)