“How do you calculate your score on the California Bar Exam? How does grading work? i WeNt tO lAw ScHoOL bEcAusE i SuCk aT mAth LOL”
I can feel a blood vessel dilating in my head and an urge to throw my keyboard out the window every time I hear someone say this. Just leave this planet now before things get more embarrassing for both of us.
While it isn’t politically incorrect for Americans to brag about deficiencies in their math skills, I won’t have that around here.
First of all, stop using this self-deprecatory language. You took the SAT and a shitload of math classes until you were old enough to drive. You can do basic math. Or “maths” if you’re British and like to make words unnecessarily complicated (Worcestershire sauce anyone?)
You are capable—of doing math, doing Pereira and Van Camp calculations, and passing the bar exam.
Second of all, why are we still confused about how grading works for the California Bar Exam? Should I blame the State Bar for its lack of transparency? Are my optimism and faith in you people misplaced?
But if you’re frustrated and confused by the numbers, I’m happy to put a rest to this once and for all.
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